演讲题目:variety seeking in high-frequency consumption: new implications for targeted marketing
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we study consumers' variety-seeking preferences and explore their implications for targeted marketing using proprietary data from a food delivery platform. we document that a substantial fraction of consumers have variety-seeking preferences. consumers, on average, are willing to pay 19.9% more to switch to a different seller. in the counterfactual analysis, we find that optimizing ranking by taking into account variety-seeking preferences increases revenue by 18.2%, consumer welfare by 14.2%, and purchase probability by 18.9%. furthermore, we find that consumers' variety-seeking preferences soften price competition. optimal targeted pricing implies an increase in prices for rival sellers' consumers and a decrease in prices for the sellers' own consumers.
brief biography:
fan zhang is a phd candidate in quantitative marketing from uc berkeley, haas school of business. her research interests are in variety seeking, consumer search, ratings and reputation.