


编辑者: | 发布时间:2016-06-15




2acquired impulse control? an experimental analysis of cheating among humans intolerant to alcohol


演 讲 者: 王建新




演讲时间: 2016615日(周三)下午15:0016:30




主 持 人:吴超鹏 教授


参 加 者:对会计、财务研究有兴趣的师生



2the ability to control tempting impulses impacts health, education and general socio-economic outcomes among people at all ages. consequently, whetherand how impulse controldevelops in adult populations is a topic of enduring interest. while past research has shed important light on this question using controlled intervention studies, here we take advantage of a natural experiment witha han chinese population.one-third of our sample is intolerant to alcohol, while the remaining control sample is observationally identical but alcohol tolerant. consistent with previous literature, we find that intolerant males are significantly more likely to exercise willpower to limit their alcohol consumption than alcohol tolerant males. in view of the strength model of self-control, we hypothesize that this enables improved impulse control in other contexts as well. to investigate this, we compare decisions in laboratory games of self-control between the tolerant and intolerant groups. we find thatmales intolerant to alcohol and who frequently encounter drinking environments control their selfish impulses significantly better than their tolerant counterparts. on the other hand, and also consistent with the strength model of self-control, we find female han chinese intolerant to alcohol do not use self-control to limit alcohol consumption more than tolerant females, and neither do the tolerant and intolerant females exhibit differences in self-control behaviors. our research indicates that impulse control can be developed in adult populations as a result of self-control behaviors in natural environments, and shows that this skill has generalizable benefits across behavioral domain. 

